Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Guest Post: Starting Up My Blog

I’ve always had an interest in fashion, fitness and beauty but the fashion side stemmed from my Nan. I’ve grown up seeing her care about her image and having a fantastic wardrobe dating back to the 1950’s. She always kept her clothes and I’ve been lucky enough to have them slowly passed down to me. With my wardrobe ever expanding I wanted to show off what I had, giving people the opportunity to think outside the box and not just buy what they see on the high street mannequins but to be adventurous. With this in mind I started ‘My Sophisticated Secrets’.

After 3 months of writing my blog through Blogger I needed to up my game and that’s when I came across etailPr, who are an online bloggers network for bloggers to connect with brands. You can team up with brands and help with campaigns whilst raising brand awareness. I joined etailPR midway through January 2015 and so far my experience has been very pleasant. Once you have signed up, your blog is reviewed for approval and once my blog was accepted I was sent an email from one of the Talent Managers and since then if I had any questions or needed help it’s only been one email away. Having a direct email address and contact number gives it a great personal touch and is reassuring that someone is there to help.

I'm still finding my way with my blog. I have lots to write about and want to show my audience so much, I'm just still working out how to do it as a 'one man band'! I look the part with my new Nikon camera, a fashion journal, and a good wardrobe, I just don't know what to do with it all but I'm enjoying learning. I'm excited to see how I will develop and how this will all turn out, and of course for all you to be a part of it.


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